With summer swiftly arriving and calling us out of doors it is a joyful release to know that the required 180 day academic year is (almost) over. But, if you are like us and enjoy the ‘anchorage’ of daily worthwhile accomplishment, it is also a time of continuation and exploration.
We will continue our math and reading- Possibly some journaling, and we will take on an area of interest or weakness. The groaning and gnashing of teeth will be short lived if you just take to heart that your home culture is one of real life which means that while our job requirements may change, they do not stop, and rarely take more than a short lived break. It is who we are. It is what we do.
Last summer we worked on Latin. This summer we will focus on art and handwriting (a form of art in my way of thinking). And don’t forget the math and reading. You know that science will, literally, creep in, and history will be present in many of the books read as well as be a daily dinner (table) discussion. Viola! Year ‘Round Schooling. Simpler than you thought? Precept upon precept. Our goal is the love of learning for the sake of understanding The Word as well as an accumulation of knowledge and ability. Our accumulated work/textbooks no longer bring joy past their completion and blessed laying down. Not that they are not valid stepping stones. But, they are not the spark that ignites the spirit of joyful curiosity within.