Legal Requirements by State


It is legal to homeschool in all United States!  The laws may vary, but the results do not.  More geniuses are created through home school, more college acceptances occur through home school, more learning disabilities are resolved through homeschool, and stonger families are created through homeschool.

If these statistics encourage you but the thought of teaching your children releases a kaleidoscope of butterflies in your stomach, Faithful Scholars is here to help get you started AND walk alongside with support, guidance, encouragement, and decades of experience.

Alabama Alaska
Arizona Arkansas
California Colorado
Connecticut Delaware
Florida Georgia
Hawaii Idaho
Illinois Indiana
Iowa Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana
Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan
Mississippi Missouri
Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico
New York North Carolina
North Dakota Ohio
Oklahoma Oregon
Pennsylvania Rhode Island
South Carolina South Dakota
Tennessee Texas
Utah Vermont
Washington West Virginia
Wisconsin Wyoming