A complete list of academic, fine arts, and music classes can be found here and The SC Homeschooling Connection.
A support group is different from an accountability association in that it will be your primary source of support. Most support groups offer an email loop through which to communicate, share and keep up with daily opportunities the group and the members offer, such as field trips, outings, events, play dates, park days, questions relating to just having moved, doctors, classes, programs, etc. In addition, they will have offer annual events such as picnics, book sales, information meetings, parties, etc. If you are a new homeschooler, new to the area, or have just never thought to join a support group, I highly recommend doing so.
A complete listing of all S.C. support groups can be located on the SCHEA website
This is a continual and growing list each year as the homeschool population grows by leaps and bounds. Several incredible groups and individuals keep up the best they can. Fun fact: across the nation there are now more homeschooled students than private schooled students!
SCHEA -South Carolina Home Educators Association is a small group of volunteers that reads each and every line of proposed bills/laws for items related to SC homeschool freedom. Many times they have caught items sandwiched in between inocuous bills, alerted the homeschool community causing a grassroots fire and leading to the ‘killing’ of the proposal. The run on donactions- $15/year. If you are able to donate toward something that is of benefit to your family, this would be that something.
The South Carolina Homeschooling Connection
South Carolina Catholic Homeschoolers
Academic Associates Reading and Learning Center of Rock Hill offers students of all ages the ability to build a strong phonetic-based reading foundation (comprehension and spelling) as well as individual tutoring in higher math and other basic subjects. academicassociateslearningctr@gmail.com
Catholic Schoolhouse is a once a week, Catholic-based academic program focused on offering a comprehensive education for grades K through high school. Find or create a campus near you or simply use their materials! www.catholicschoolhouse.com
Classical Conversations is a once a week academic program that one can attempt to explain but is not truly understood until a practicum is attended or a campus visit is made. Go to www.classicalconversation.com and enter your zip code in the upper right-hand corner to find a campus near you. Parent Practicums that are free and open to all and include camps for your children. Sign up early for the camps.
Classical Liberal Arts Academy offers rigorous academic studies in the classical liberal arts core as well as a Common School and a Beatitudes Charity School. (800) 318-0261 wmichael@classicalliberalarts.com www.classicalliberalarts.com
Compass Prep offers in depth, instructor taught, high school classes in Rock Hill, SC. One of the beautiful things they offer is projects, assignments, tests, AND grading taking all of the pressure of confrontation off your shoulds while allowing you the inclusion of being involved in guiding and helping with each of these areas. www.compass-prep.org
Discovery Sciences Homeschool science workshops designed to give more intense experience in topic areas as well as enhance your home curriculum. Concepts will be taught through the use of several methods including demonstration and activities. A pre-assessment test will give the educator an idea of the level of the participants and a post-assessment will give her an idea of how the information is being received/retained. Each 12 weeks of classes includes a field trip to Discovery Place. diquin@carolina.rr.com
Njoy Science God created nature for us to enJoy! Science is the study of His creation. Our home school science programs honor the Creator, and inspire students with hands-on experiments that make learning enjoyable. We have our own general science curricula for ages 6 to 11, and offer the Apologia science courses for ages 12 and up. The courses are year long, with meetings every two weeks to allow your home school to gain outside support whilst retaining its unique home school character. We teach a year long Creation Science class for teenagers, parents welcomed too. www.njoyscience.net
Fun Friday is a bi-weekly academc co-op for grades K-8. brooke.daniel@yahoo.com
Lake Pointe Academy, a University Model School format for K through 12. www.lakepointeacademy.com
Math by Marcella Bess are on line courses from basic math to rocket science.
Mother of Divine Grace – A Catholic Long Distance K-12 School. Mother of Divine Grace is a classical approach to education created to follow the developmental and learning stages of each child while allowing flexibility in using a method rather than a particular book or set of books. Each family has a consultant for help in planning and accountability. www.motherofdivinegrace.org
Potters School is an on line school option integrating academic scholarship and biblical worldview to prepare students for college, career,and life. One of the reasons we list them is that they offer College Board certified AP (Advanced Placement) courses. www.pottersschool.org
South Carolina Virtual School Program is a free on line learning program for students in grades 7-12 who attend public, private or home school in South Carolina for no more than a total of 12 units of credit toward a high school diploma.scvspconnect.ed.sc.gov
Writer’s Circle is a drop off program meeting on Tuesdays 9:30-3:30 and focused on whole child learning. Our quest is to enliven the understanding and love of life-long learning while utilizing the stepping stones of class instruction, assignments, and grades to teach our students to find joy in new discoveries, realize new or expanded abilities, and pace independently while having mom to guide, take notes, keep organized notebooks, follow a rubric, study, quiz, test, and so on. We seek students who are open to being inspired to learn, to work diligently, and to be encouraged toward working independently while being equally open to playing hard and building friendships focused on kindness and fun. Serving grades 1 – (remedial) 9th with a focused on language arts. Contact katie@faithfulscholars.com
Writing Classes for Middle and High School Students Kyra Gartrell will offer the following writing classes at various locations- Rock Hill -Steele Creek- Matthews/Arboretum area – Concord/Huntersville areas. dkgartrell@earthlink.net
ORGANIZATIONAL FORMS (free) for daily records, attendance, etc.
–most people create their own after trying to fit their ideas into someone else’s masterpiece–
The Homeschool Mom has an array of information and ideas. Check out her Printable Home Organizer and Homeschool Planner.
TheHomeSchoolMom Printable Home Organizer & Homeschool Planner
Donna Young has a plethora of free organizational planners and forms for grading K-12. www.donnayoung.org
Half a Hundred Acre Wood is full of organizational ideas, plans, and forms for grades K-12. This is a good site for those in Classical Conversations. www.halfahundredacrewood.com
BOOKS/CURRICULUM- used and new
SC HomeSchool Connection is a fantastic resource for all sorts of things. Kim has been supporting SC homeschoolers for decades in various forms & formats of leadership.
The Homeschool Classifieds sell new & used curriculum plus more.
The Christian Curriculum Connection consigns/sells books & curriculum
The Learning Cycle is Greenville’s homeschool store.
The Homeschool Room is just across the SC board in Stallings, NC
Used curriculum sales will be announced via your support group sites. Faithful Scholars posts them in our weekly digest.
Home School Legal Defense Association – discount offered to members of Faithful Scholars.www.hslda.com
Home SchoolLegal Advantage www.homeschoollegaladvantage.com
Eta Sigma Alpha has a complete list by state
York County, SC Chapter of Eta Sigma Alpha Homeschool Honor Society: Lambda Gamma: Open to all residents of York, Chester and Lancaster counties. www.rhhonorsociety.com
Organizational Forms (free) for daily records, attendance, etc.
–most people create theor own after trying to fit their ideas into someone else’s masterpiece–
Donna Young has a plethora of free organizational planners and forms for grading K-12. www.donnayoung.org
Half a Hundred Acre Wood is full of organizational ideas, plans, and forms for grades K-12. This is a good site for those in Classical Conversations. www.halfahundredacrewood.com
There is now a home school sports team for almost every interest. The best, but far from complete list we have found is The Homeschool Sports Network.
To List Your Team here to be found by other SC homeschoolers.
Please see our testing section for details and links to official test sites for grades K – 12.
Stanford/OLSAT Classical Conversations, Rock Hill www.classicalconversations.com and Lake Pointe Academy, Lake Wylie www.lakepointeacademy.com
PSAT/SAT Test Site/Locations Your local district high school is usually where you will test. You must register prior to the test date. Go to our testing section for information on other testing options. The PSAT CEEB code for SC is 994199 (always double check this by contacting the College Boards as things do change). The SAT does not require a seating code. Visit www.collegeboard.org to register for the PSAT or SAT.
ACT Test Your local district high school is usually where you will test. You must register at prior to the test date. Go to our testing section for information on other testing options. www.act.org
The Texas Test is similar to SC and NC testings standards and can be taken online with their program doing the grading, all free of charge. You can also print hard copies with answer keys. www.tea.state.tx.us
Learning My Way offers academic and behavioral services, tutoring and consulting from a trained SC teacher turned homeschool mom. learningmywayfortmill@yahoo.com Erin Wilkins
The Tutor Doctor offers assessments of students in all academic subjects, evaluations of tutors and the proper match between the two in order to maximize the potential of every student. We have a pool of tutors from which to choose in order to create the right fit for your child as well as an electronic tutoring option. www.tutordoctor.com/GDean Gary and Donna Dean
Marcella Bess Tutors in math throughout the York County and Charlotte areas bessfam@gmail.com